202-266-1940 | fax. A disproportionate number of organized crime families in Germany are run by immigrants or their children. Understandings of immigrant integration have changed over time, and this article explores how the methods of measuring integration outcomes have evolved alongside these changing frameworks. Only the admission of this reality paved the way for migration policy reforms that affect immigration as well as After World War II, the American people continued to oppose increased immigration. They claimed the presidency of Brazil, sparked the collapse of the Belgian government, andwhether in or out of officeput a harder-edged stamp on migration and asylum policies in Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Sweden, and beyond. This report explores this question, as well as the challenges of balancing technologys potential benefits with measures to mitigate its risks. According to one estimate, a total of 100,000 Protestants moved from Habsburg lands to what is now southern and central Germany in the 17th century. WebImmigration to Germany; Language; Learn; Live; Rights & Laws; Work; Collections. External Processing: A Tool to Expand Protection or Further Restrict Territorial Asylum? The Role of Digital Tools in International Protection, The COVID-19 Catalyst: Learning from Pandemic-Driven Innovations in Immigrant Integration Policy, COVID-19 and the State of Global Mobility in 2021, Destination-Country Policies to Foster Diaspora Engagement in Development, Promoting the Inclusion of Europes Migrants and Minorities in Arts and Culture, The Winding Road to Marrakech: Lessons from the European Negotiations of the Global Compact for Migration, Refugee Resettlement and Complementary Pathways: Opportunities for Growth, Healing the Gap: Building Inclusive Public-Health and Migrant Integration Systems in Europe, "Diversifying" Social Investment: European Welfare States and Immigrant Integration in the Wake of the COVID-19 Crisis, Embedding Reintegration Assistance for Returning Migrants in the Local Context: The Role of Referrals, Leveraging Predeparture Counseling to Support Returning Migrants Sustainable Reintegration. European countries responses to the pandemic have been extraordinary in scope and volume, and strengthened appreciation for the role of robust welfare programs in helping individuals and communities weather challenges. Published by Statista Research Department , Nov 10, 2022. Read more: Migrants stuck on EU doorstep: What is Germany doing? [82], As of 2021[update], the most common groups of resident foreign nationals in Germany were as follows:[83], According to Eurostat, 47.3 million people living in the European Union in 2010 were born outside their resident country which corresponds to 9.4% of the total EU population. How has Germany and those who sought asylum managed since then? [30] Several thousand people also sought refuge in Germany from the Lebanese Civil War. [77], In 2015, responding to relatively high numbers of unsuccessful asylum applications from several Balkan countries (Serbia, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro), the German government formally declared these countries "generally safe" to speed up their processing. The Migration Information Source provides fresh thought, authoritative data, and global analysis of international migration and refugee trends. These include the forced resettlement of ethnic Germans from eastern Europe after World War II, the guest worker programme of the 1950s1970s, and ethnic Germans from former Communist states claiming their right of return after the breakup of the Soviet Union. This policy brief assesses the progress countries have made in setting up systems to adjust the status of mobile EU and UK nationals, as well as steps countries can take to make up for lost time. However, many companies repeatedly renewed the work permits;[16] some of the bilateral treaties were even updated to give workers permanent residency upon arrival. They found Germany is on the way to success, while also pointing out that considerably more effort must still be made by both those who have sought refuge in Germany and those who have offered it to them. [93], Only a very small percentage, around 4%, of immigrants in Germany are accused of committing crimes. Merkel has always stood by her decision of 2015, but told a conference of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in December 2016 that a situation like the one in late summer 2015 "can, should and must not be repeated." WebGermany is making great strides to become a hub for skilled Indian IT professionals. The listing of verdicts, settlements, and other case results is not a guarantee or prediction of the outcome of any other claims. Immigration into Germany was 1 million in first 6 months of this year (2022) This immigration is higher than when Merkel opened Germanys doors in 2015 (+978,000) Its higher than in 1992 when the borders to Eastern Europe came down (+700,000) Its higher than when war was raging in Yugoslavia. Migrants are still much lesslikelyto have a job than the average German. In 1991, restrictions went into effect, in that ethnic Germans were assigned to certain areas, losing benefits if they were moving. While the global refugee protection regime has come under incredible strain as a result, states have also shown creativity in the design of resettlement programs and complementary pathways. [9] Germany also accepted significant numbers of refugees from the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s and the Syrian civil war in the 2010s. [27] Germany initially received around 40,000 per year. "Refugees unwelcome? This policy is a major catalyst to the large influx of Syrian refugees following the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War. So, you are required to have a total of 11,208 in your bank account before you apply for a German internship visa. But what does this increasing use of technology mean for the people and processes involved? Of these, 31.4 million (6.3%) were born outside the EU and 16.0 million (3.2%) were born in another EU member state. As the details are being hammered out, this MPI Europe policy brief explores how and under what conditions these partnerships could help meet European labor market needs and provide tangible benefits for partner countries and migrants themselves. This means that skilled foreigners wishing to be employed in Germany under an EU Blue Card will be able to do so with a lower salary The difficulties on the job market also have an effect on criminality. Germanys Federal Office for Migration and Refugees would neither confirm nor deny granting the protester asylum, citing the countrys strict privacy laws. Some countries seek to revoke their citizenship. That influx pushed Germany's population growth to 1%, or about 843,000 people, in the first half of the year. German reunification in 1990 paved the way for high immigration figures, which peaked in 1992. Only around half thepeople who have come to Germany since 2013 have paid employment, according to a 2020 study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). Beginning 1 May 2023, The Offshore Wind Workers Concession will end and Senior Manager Kelly Hardman explains with this means for wind farm companies employing foreign nationals in the UK. If you have a residence title, you are fundamentally allowed to work - unless a law explicitly forbids it. [24] Following German reunification in 1990, many of the roughly 90,000 foreign workers living in what had been East Germany had no legal status as immigrant workers under the Western system. Notary appointment and payment of the purchase price. be prepared to renounce all former citizenships, unless the applicant obtains an exemption. Arbeitsmigranten in der DDR und ihr Zusammenleben mit der deutschen Bevlkerung | bpb", "Germany: A Country Study; Chapter: Immigration", "Deutsches Blut, fremde Folter SPIEGEL-Redakteur Thomas Darnstdt", "Geschichte der Zuwanderung nach Deutschland nach 1950 | bpb", "Russia Hopes to Lure Back Ethnic Germans | DW | 07.09.2007", "Flchtlingskrise: "Viele waren schon in der Heimat Underdogs", " Kriegsflchtlinge aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien nach Zielland (Schtzung des UNHCR, Stand Mrz 1995)", "Asylum law reform in the German Constitution", "Toward collective responsibility in asylum law: Reviving the eroding right to political asylum in the US and the Federal Republic of Germany", "Mehr als 10 Millionen Auslnder in Deutschland", "Eurostat table [migr_eipre] Third country nationals found to be illegally present - annual data (rounded)", "Zahl der Flchtlinge | Flucht & Asyl | Zahlen und Fakten | MDI", "Fluchtmigration nach Deutschland und Europa: Einige Hintergrnde", "Zahl der Flchtlinge erreicht "Allzeithoch"", "Neue Prognose fr Deutschland 2015: Vizekanzler Gabriel spricht von einer Million Flchtlingen", "Vor dem 5. were meant to express confidence in the faceof a huge, self-imposed task. Think Global People, the sister site of Relocate Global, profiled Partner Julia Onslow-Cole as part of its Think Women Outstanding Global Women series. "The tendency towards the political center that we saw before came to an end," he said. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has criticized Turkey's actions at the Greek border, saying that it was "wholly unacceptable" for Recep Tayyip Erdogan to punish migrants because of his dissatisfaction with Europe. [15] The work permits were at first issued for a duration of two years, after which the recruited workers were supposed to return to their home countries. Around 300,000 Iranians fled from persecution in the wake of the Iranian Revolution between 1979 and 1986 alone. Foreign Affairs. Faith plays a significant role in the mental health and social integration of refugees and asylum seekers. All rights reserved. As assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) programs proliferate in Europe, there is growing recognition that counseling migrants as they prepare to return to their countries of origin can play an important role in their longer-term reintegration. How much will it cost? The broadcaster Al-Jazeera reported that "Germany hasopened its doorsand borders to all those searching for refuge and a safe haven.". German asylum law is based on the 1993 amendment of article 16a of the Basic Law as well as on the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. This MPI Europe report examines strategies for improving the inclusion of migrant and minority communities in culture and the arts, with the aim of boosting integration outcomes, strengthening social cohesion, and making cultural institutions more vibrant. Around 60% of Germans believe that the country can cope well with the refugees while 40% believe the opposite. WebGermany is known for being a good place to live and work in and therefore is more attractive for immigrants than ever. WebEntering Germany Restrictions Food and feed The private import of food and animal feed The import of food and animal feed for the consignees private use or consumption is permitted in principle. Motivated in part by low birth rates and labour shortages, German government policy towards immigration has generally been relatively liberal since the 1950s,[10] although conservative politicians resisted the normalisation of Germany as a country of immigrants and citizenship laws accordingly remained relatively restrictive until the mid-2000s. In a matter of a few weeks, 10,000 people had come to Germany, mostly via what became known as the Balkan route. Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis). European immigrants in the United States have largely dwindled in number since 1960, after historically making up the bulk of immigration to the country. If the employment contract is of shorter duration, the EU Blue Card shall be issued for or extended to the duration of the contract plus three months. Germany needs to attract about 400,000 foreign workers per year to mitigate the economic impact of its aging society, according to the caucus leader of the countrys FDP party. [31], Due to the outbreak of the Yugoslav Wars in 1991, large numbers of refugees headed to Germany and other European countries. Illegal entry and residence in Germany are punishable under Section 95 of the Residence Act because they undermine the whole purpose of German residence law, which is to manage immigration while Merkel wants a European Union-wide agreement on immigration policy, while Seehofer wants to turn away migrants at Germanys border if they have registered as asylum ", Piatkowska, Sylwia J., Andreas Hvermann, and Tse-Chuan Yang. WebThe day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt suspended naturalization proceedings for Italian, German, and Japanese immigrants, required them to register, restricted their mobility, and prohibited them from owning items that might be used for sabotage, such as cameras and shortwave radios. "That mighthaveavoided the way supporters and opponents of our policy wereso irreconcilably at odds with one another, to the benefit of populists.". 1275 K St. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005 | ph. An original projection of 450,000 asylum seekers entering Germany for the whole of 2015 was revised upwards to 800,000[41] in August and again in September to over 1 million. [47] Employment among Syrians and Afghans, the most two common nationalities among the 2015-2016 refugee arrivals, rose by 79% and 40%, respectively, between 2017 and 2018. EnergyVoice: Warning for Offshore Wind Workforce As Immigration Rules Come to an End, Brazil: Visa Requirement to be Reinstated for Nationals of Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States, Canada: Extension of Post-Graduate Work Permits Announced, United States: USCIS Extends FY 2024 Cap Registration Deadline to Monday, March 20, at 5:00 pm ET, Forbes: Labor Department Creates Permanent Immigration Chaos, White Paper: Immigration in the Offshore Energy and Maritime Industry, Worldwide Immigration Trends Report 2023 Series Part 3 of 3, Murky Waters: Vietnams post-pandemic immigration environment, Think Global People: Julia Onslow-Cole | 40 Outstanding Global Women 2023, Diego Salgado Appointed Coordinator of Mexican Bar Association's Migration Commission, H-1B Contingency Planning - Speed to Ground EMEA Options, Business Matters Magazine: Female Founders Built Over 150,000 New Businesses in 2022, Fragomen Ireland Shortlisted for Multiple 2023 Workplace Excellence Awards, Immigration Matters: Your U.S. The vast majority of immigrants are residing in the so-called old states of Germany.[58][59]. Nearly half a million people applied for asylum in Germany in 2015, and another 750,000 the following year. The brochures are currently being revised. In its Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration, the European Commission sets out principles to increase the number of voluntary returns, make the return process more dignified, and provide better support to returnees. [22] The government portrayed East Germany as a post-racial society and called the foreign workers socialist "friends" who would learn skills which could then be applied in their home countries. [25] In 1992 Germany admitted almost 70 percent of all asylum seekers registered in the European Community. Changes in the public acceptance of immigrants and refugees in Germany in the course of Europe's immigration crisis. Milk and milk products will also be charged Pfand from 2024. The COVID-19 pandemic hit just weeks after the United Kingdom formally left the European Union, delaying plans to implement the withdrawal agreements provisions on citizens rights. The ban completely blocked the entry of "guest workers" from lands which were not members of the European Economic Community (EEC). But skilled migrant workers have only been able to obtain permanent residence since 2005, following the recommendation of the [4] Since 1990, Germany has consistently ranked as one of the five most popular destination countries for immigrants in the world. In this blog, Partner Kenneth Lau discusses the ongoing changes within Vietnam's immigration system and their impact on employers and employees. In this episode of The Immigration Conversation, Senior Managers Angela Baker, Kelly Hardman and Maysie Pandor and Associate Sarah Melnick discuss the H-1B cap lottery running through March 17, 2023. Business Matters Magazine reports that women in the UK built more businesses last year than ever before, quoting Partner Julia Onslow-Cole. [7] The economic boom of the 2010s, coupled with the elimination of working visa requirements for many EU citizens, brought a sustained inflow from elsewhere in Europe. Yet in Germany, concerns about Islam and migrants from Muslim-majority countries have complicated social cohesion efforts, particularly in the wake of the 2015-16 refugee and migration crisis. Turkey's Erdogan is in Brussels to discuss the unfolding crisis. In future, naturalisation will become possible after only five years of residence and in the case of special efforts towards integration even after just three years. In Greece, Germany and Italy, three countries that experienced high volumes of arrivals, the share of adults saying immigrants make their countries stronger dropped significantly. Yet citizenship revocation has unclear impact and raises deep questions about the limits of a states responsibility to its citizens, as this article explores. From Argentina to New Zealand and points beyond, a growing number of countries have begun exploring refugee sponsorship as a way to expand protection capacity at a time of rising need, involving individuals and communities more directly in resettlement. British Pensioners in the European Union after Brexit, Migration and the Great Recession: The Transatlantic Experience. By 2018, 670,000 out of 700,000 Syrians living in Germany immigrated as a result of internal strife and conflict in Syria beginning in 2011. ', "Germany's Syrian Refugee Integration Experiment", "bergriffe von Kln: Silvester-Tter kamen mit Flchtlingswelle ins Land", "Ukrainian refugees push Germany's population to record high", Migration drives German population to record high in 2022, Knapp 8,2 Millionen Auslnder leben in Deutschland, "Conflicts in the Middle East fueled by religious intolerance", Residence Act in the version promulgated on 25 February 2008, "Skilled Immigration Act (Fachkrfte-Einwanderungsgesetz)", "BAMF's Graduates Study: Every second foreign student stays in Germany after graduation", "Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz Bro Bekanntmachung des Knigsteiner Schlssels fr das Jahr 2014", "BMI Bundesinnenminister Dr. Wolfgang Schuble: Asylbewerberzugang im Jahr 2005 auf niedrigsten Stand seit 20 Jahren", "Asylantrge von Trken in BW: "Fast 90 Prozent sind Kurden" - Baden-Wrttemberg - Nachrichten", "Zahl der trkischen Asylbewerber verdreifacht", "Nach Putschversuch: Immer mehr Trken beantragen Asyl in Deutschland", "Turkish asylum applications in Germany jump 55 percent this year", "Report: At least 1,400 Turkish nationals claimed asylum in Germany in Jan-Feb alone - Turkey Purge", "Kurds in Germany stress on own identity in | Rudaw.net", "Zweifel an Minderjhrigkeit: 40 Prozent der berprften Flchtlinge gaben Alter falsch an", "Berlin plant Sammelunterkunft fr Balkan-Flchtlinge", "Auslndische Bevlkerung - Fachserie 1 Reihe 2 - 2021", 6.5% of the EU population are foreigners and 9.4% are born abroad, "An Ice-Cream Truck Slaying, Party Drugs and Real-Estate Kings: Ethnic Clans Clash in Berlin's Underworld", "Migration und Kriminalitt Erfahrungen und neuere Entwicklungen | bpb", "Study: Only better integration will reduce migrant crime rate", "Unsere Aufnahmekapazitt ist begrenzt, ", Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Chronology of warfare between the Romans and Germanic tribes, Roman campaigns in Germania (12 BC AD 16), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Immigration_to_Germany&oldid=1143075590, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, have lived in Germany legally for at least eight years, or seven years if they have passed the, not live on welfare as the main source of income unless unable to work (for example, if the applicant is a single mother), be able to speak German at a 'B1' level in the. "Anyone wanting to come here to live and work on a permanent basis has other means of doing so if he or she has the necessary qualifications and accepts our values.". The acts of sending email to this website or viewing information from this website do not create an attorney-client relationship. many of her critics' worst predictions on Europe's migrant crisis have not come to pass, says Constanze Stelzenmller, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. WebAsylum is a right that is protected by the Constitution in Germany. Five years after German chancellor Angela Merkel's famous words, "Wir schaffen das!" Media helped shape German attitudes as well as put pressure on the government by covering the victims of immigration and by showing individual stories, which humanized them. Due to recent changes in legislation, some of the information does not reflect the current status. European cities are becoming ever more diverse. They also share insights on anticipated impacts on the Germanys Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has announced that since January 1, 2022, the minimum annual gross salary requirement for a German EU Blue Card has dropped by 0.7 per cent. But some skeptics believedfrom the start that Germany was taking on more than it could handle. In this blog, Senior Immigration Manager Stephen McCrea discusses the path to Irish naturalisation. [63], According to a study of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), around 54percent of foreign students in Germany decide to stay after graduation.[64]. Immigrant integration is a complicated process that cannot fully be measured by any single metric. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. It seems you have Javascript turned off in your browser. WebThe standard period of validity in Germany is: Four years. Yet there is limited evidence of how well these programs, which tap community members and civil society to take key roles in refugee resettlement, are working and how they can be improved. Disinformation and misinformation about migrants, refugees, and minority groups adapts to the shifting news cycle while also appealing to peoples pre-existing convictions and current worries. [35], Though only about 5 percent of the asylum applications were approved and appeals sometimes took years to be processed, many asylum seekers were able to stay in Germany and received financial and social aid from the government. [56] Of those 16.3 million, 8.2 million had no German citizenship, more than ever before. Czymara, Christian S., and Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran. [43] The Hungarian government began to house refugees in camps under squalid conditions. Fragomen Ireland is shortlisted in three categories at the 2023 Workplace Excellence Awards. Upon arrival, ethnic Germans became citizens at once according to Article 116 of the Basic Law, and received financial and many social benefits, including language training, as many did not speak German. Germanys parliament passed a new immigration law which will come into force on 1st March 2020. The new law aims to facilitate: Skilled migration of formally qualified tradespeople. Job seekers in non-academic professions who have vocational trade qualifications. Young people who wish to come to Germany for vocational training. According to the annual report on crime in the context of immigration issued by the Federal Criminal Police Office. Of the 20% (16.3 million) people with immigrant background, 3.0 million (3.7%) had Turkish, 1.5 million (1.9%) Polish, 1.2 million (1.5%) Russian and 0.85 million (0.9%) Italian background. [28], And in parallel, a third stream of immigration starting in the mid-1980s were war refugees, of which West Germany accepted more than any other West European country due to a nearly unqualified right to asylum. "The realistic and responsible thing to do would have been to adhere tothe law If the people had been turned away from the outset, fewer of them would have set out on the journey and fewer would have drowned in the Mediterranean.". Although European programs to support returning migrants reintegration into the communities where they settle have expanded and improved in recent years, returningat times after years awayis never easy. German society remains divided over immigration policy. Immigration to Germany, both in the country's modern borders and the many political entities that preceded it, has occurred throughout the country's history. As resources become scarce, migration policy and management assume increasing importance. The widespread sexual assaults on New Year's Eve of 2015, for which a significant number of suspects were asylum seekers, marked a shift in the tone of media coverage and public opinion towards refugees, though the government noted refugees were, statistically, no more likely than locals to commit crimes. WebAs of 2022, as a foreigner in Germany you need a minimum of 934 euros per month for living expenses. This report explores how European countries have responded and what opportunities have emerged to tackle disparities in migrant health. [75] There are approximately 1.2 million Kurds in Germany. In modern Germany, immigration has generally risen and fallen with the country's economy. The Second Turning Point: Unification. 4. [94] However, the complex nature of the data means it is not straightforward to make observations about the crime rates among immigrants. According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany in 2012, 92% of residents (73.9 million) in Germany had German citizenship,[80] with 80% of the population being Germans (64.7 million) having no immigrant background. According to the annual report on crime in the context of immigration issued by the Federal Criminal Police Office, immigrants aredisproportionately involved in violent crime including murder, manslaughter, assault and rape. Castellucci, whose SPDparty, as junior coalition partner, sharedresponsibility for implementing Merkel's policy, would have liked the chancellor to have presented a more detailed plan:"She definitely should have said how we can do it and who has to do it. The German chancellor has accused Turkey of trying to "solve its problems on the backs of refugees" attempting to enter the EU through Greece. Immigration levels rose even further as a result of unification. His successor, Horst Seehofer, then premierof Bavaria, once called the situation in 2015 a "reign of injustice. [52], Since then, Germany's intake of refugees has consistently dropped each year, while deportations increased and leveled out at around 20,000. [33] Applications from people entering Germany after passing through other European Community member states, where they theoretically could have already applied for asylum, were now refused, as were applications from nationals of designated safe countries. Many migrants and refugees have long faced health challenges, such as limited health-care eligibility and accessibility, and COVID-19 has threatened to deepen health disparities. People who have been displaced from other parts of the world and are fleeing from violence war and terror are to find protection in our country. To make good on these goals, EU countries will need to improve their cooperation with migrants countries of origin. In order to immigrate to Germany, it is necessary to brace yourself for bureaucratic red tape: the candidate will need to collect more than a dozen documents, the processing and translation of which may take even more time than applying for When considering solved crimes only, non-German nationals make up around 8% of all suspects. The growing numbers of asylum seekers led the Bundestag to significantly curtail the previously unqualified right to asylum in Germany, which former German refugees had "held sacred because of their reliance on it to escape the Nazi regime" and which required a constitutional amendment. [65] Germany's national ban on deportation doesn't permit returning refugees to their home country should doing so place them in imminent danger or that doing so would break EU human rights laws. "Immigration Influx as a Trigger for Right-Wing Crime: A Temporal Analysis of Hate Crimes in Germany in the Light of the Refugee Crisis. But I am convinced that immigration is a great opportunity for Germany, particularly with regard to the labor market and demographic developments," she says. As Brexit approaches, British pensioners in the EU-27 face a series of issues beyond those of the wider British population of the EU-27. It also includes a section on the constitution of the Federal State in which the applicant resides. You can also find out about here about the right to asylum. How well have those new arrivals beenintegrated inGermany? [18], East Germany set up similar foreign recruitment schemes, although at much smaller scales and exclusively with other socialist states. Korea sets up hotline with Germany, France, Netherlands for immigrations policies. Five years after Merkel's famous statement, has German society really shown that it could cope with the challenge? The type of title is based on the purpose of your residence in Germany. One factor is that crimes committed by foreign nationals are twice as likely to be reported as those committed by German citizens. Entry to Germany with a D-Visa and registration. In 2015, most Germans were very supportive of the large numbers of refugees arriving in Germany. asbestos exposure limit, Accused of committing crimes international Migration and refugee trends of sending email to this or. 'S Erdogan is in Brussels to discuss the unfolding crisis to house refugees Germany... Although at much smaller scales and exclusively with other socialist states therefore is more attractive for than... In Germany. [ 58 ] [ 59 ] [ 43 ] the Hungarian began. Of validity in Germany from the Lebanese Civil War Learn ; Live ; Rights & Laws ; work ;.. And management assume increasing importance sending email to this website or viewing information this! Fully be measured by any single metric total of 11,208 in your bank account before apply... 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