Dig Dis Sci. This is down to its natural breath freshening properties and a refreshing cool taste. In a 2016 study, participants took 1,500 mg of green tea extract for 4 weeks. Research supports some health benefits associated with drinking spearmint tea; however, additional research into some of its properties is required. A 2013 a randomized, double-blind clinical trial study reveals how essential oils of spearmint and peppermint may help with these symptoms. Its a perennial plant that hails from Europe and Asia but now commonly grows on five continents around the world. Full of antioxidants, vitamin C, all your beautiful B vitamins, and full of folates, iron, potassium, calcium, and a whole heap of good stuff, spearmint tea has awesome nutritional value, low calories, and not a trace of caffeine. Clayton, R. and Orton, D. Contact allergy to spearmint oil in a patient with oral lichen planus. Herrlinger KA, Nieman KM, Sanoshy KD, et al. Mint tea can be prepared using spearmint, peppermint, or orange mint leaves. If you already have liver or kidney disease, its important to know that this herb may increase liver or kidney damage, especially in large quantities. Baines, D, and Seal, R: Natural Food Additives, Ingredients and Flavourings, Woodhead Publishing, 2012. 2018;15(1):58. Always look for spearmint essential oil that is 100 percent pure, organic and therapeutic grade to maximize potential benefits. 9 Give your little one a spoon or two of weak, diluted tea to alleviate pain and discomfort if they are colicky. Research published in Phytotherapy. View abstract. Its also a good idea opt for organic versions of this herb dried, fresh or in tea form. View abstract. as well, so its not recommended for people taking medication for diabetes or blood pressure issues. This condition is typically caused by an increase in male hormones called androgens, such as testosterone. Both of these mint varieties contain an active compound known as menthol, but peppermint contains more menthol (which is why its more cooling). (2008). Not only is this because spearmint has such a zesty fresh scent but also because its a dab hand at fighting off bacteria. Spearmint for nausea Spearmint Herbal Tea is a popular herbal infusion with many benefits, including aiding in digestion, providing relaxation, and promoting healthy memory and cognitive function. The famed botanist John Gerard first paid homage to the herbal joy of spearmint back in the 16th century, noting that it was handy for taking the smart out of a wasp sting and for healing breakouts and sores on the head and skin. This article takes a closer look at eight science-based health benefits of mint. Its also not recommended to take it along with sedative medications (CNS depressants) since a chemical in the herb is also known to cause drowsiness or sleepiness. 2006;47(4):300-301. Checkout our online herbal products. It should not be taken with. Clin Immunol 2012;22:309-10. (-)-Carvone: antispasmodic effect and mode of action. Goncalves, J. C., Oliveira, Fde S., Benedito, R. B., de Sousa, D. P., de Almeida, R. N., and de Araujo, D. A. Antinociceptive activity of (-)-carvone: evidence of association with decreased peripheral nerve excitability. Rafii, F. and Shahverdi, A. R. Comparison of essential oils from three plants for enhancement of antimicrobial activity of nitrofurantoin against enterobacteria. 2003;12(6):323-328. 4 Healthy Herbs to Grow Indoors This Winter, Peppermint Oil and Spiders: Know the Facts, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT. Spearmint or Mentha spicata is an aromatic herb commonly used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Add 1 teaspoon of dried spearmint tea leaves (or a premade tea bag). If youre allergic to mint, there are several products you may need to avoid. Order now and savor the benefits of this incredible tea blend. Animal research demonstrates how extracts of spearmint appear to have anxiety-reducing, sedative and hypnotic effects. Mediators.Inflamm. But since this study involved spearmint extract rather than spearmint tea, temper your expectations. Grant P. (2010). ", USDA FoodData Central: Peppermint, fresh.. However, more research is required to understand the full health benefits of spearmint tea. U.S. STD Cases Increased During COVIDs 2nd Year, Have IBD and Insomnia? Here are 10 healthy herbal teas you'll want to try today. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. Decaf Green Tea Benefits, Heres the Tea on the Benefits of Earl Grey Tea, Heres the Tea: Use Tea Bags on Your Eyes, Brewing a Baby? : On the Inhibition of Gastric Secretion By Oil Of Peppermint., : Peppermint and Its Functionality: A Review., Natural Food Additives, Ingredients and Flavourings, : Peppermint oil in the acute treatment of tension-type headache., : In vitro antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extract of Mentha piperita L., : Viral Upper Respiratory Infection., : Peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Journal of International Society of Preventative Community Dentistry, : Essential oils, their therapeutic properties, and implication in dentistry: A review., : Frequently Used Herbal Teas During Pregnancy Short Update.. When used regularly, spearmint can help improve the appearance of the skin and promote a healthy, radiant complexion. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Antioxidant potential of mint (Mentha spicata L.) in radiation-processed lamb meat. Ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Egyptians used peppermint as medicine. High blood pressure symptoms and causes. View abstract. Though human studies on this potential property are unavailable, some scientific evidence suggests that this herb may have beneficial effects in this regard. She and Nikiforuk say it's great for the digestive tract, making it an easy at-home remedy for an upset stomach, indigestion, bloating, nausea, gas, IBS, or feelings of being overly full after a meal. Helps to Lose Weight. 6. Unlike decaf green tea or black tea, decaf spearmint tea hasnt gone through decaffeination processing. View abstract. It can be used alone or combined with other natural ingredients, like green tea or aloe vera, to enhance its skin benefits. If youve ever chewed spearmint gum or taking a whiff of a spearmint plant, youre already familiar with the refreshing qualities of this potent green herb. Dal Sacco, D., Gibelli, D., and Gallo, R. Contact allergy in the burning mouth syndrome: a retrospective study on 38 patients. $12.42. Spearmint tea is naturally sugar-free. While we certainly do get better with age, sometimes our memory can become a little blurry around the edges. Effect of botanical extracts containing carnosic acid or rosmarinic acid on learning and memory in SAMP8 mice. For women with hormone imbalances, spearmint tea may provide relief. While no extensive study has been done on humans to investigate these benefits, studies on rats with diabetes have shown lower blood sugar levels when given spearmint. Focus on metabolic and nutritional correlates of polycystic ovary syndrome and update on nutritional management of these critical phenomena. While spearmint is considered to be completely safe, caffeine-free, and delicious to drink, there are a small number of people out there who may experience discomfort and slight side effects if they consume too much spearmint. 2003;22(4):213-219. Spearmint tea comes from the brewed leaves of the spearmint plant. Appetite 2007;48(3):394-396. Mint leaves contain vitamin C, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and other vitamins and minerals. Evening primrose is a night-blooming plant that has been long thought to have medicinal properties. 2. We already know that it can help PCOS thanks to its natural ability to increase female hormones. Grant, P. Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. If you are buying a blend of peppermint tea with either black or green tea, then this will contain caffeine. Therefore, peppermint tea may provide similar benefits. In one five-day study in 21 women with hormone imbalances, two cups of spearmint tea a day decreased testosterone and increased LH, FSH and estradiol levels (9). This can be especially beneficial for those individuals whose PCOS symptoms involve hirsutism, acne, hair loss and other typical high . Spearmint is an herb commonly used in infusion products like chewing gum, essential oil, mints, perfumes, and teas. Rondanelli M, et al. Well, its antispasmodic effect that helps prevent muscle spasms closely mimics the effect of blood pressure meds. Studies have shown that taking an extract of spearmint on a daily basis could help to keep thinking skills in older people at the top of their game. Masumoto, Y., Morinushi, T., Kawasaki, H., Ogura, T., and Takigawa, M. Effects of three principal constituents in chewing gum on electroencephalographic activity. If you are pregnant, its important to know that excessive use of this herb in tea or any other form such as a spearmint supplement may result in damage to the uterus. Anesth Analg 2013;117(3):597-604. Spearmint is an herb that belongs to the mint (Lamiaceae) family along with peppermint. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. This herb may also relieve nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Allergy to mint (Mentha spicata). Some research points towards spearmint extract, rich in polyphenols like rosmarinic acid, benefiting memory, especially in older adults. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This fragrant and fresh plant steeped in hot water is believed to balance androgen levels which can help with everything from polycystic ovary syndrome to reducing high levels of unwanted hair growth on the face, chest, and back (also known as hirsutism). View abstract. Well tell you what to. View abstract. Here are several ways in which spearmint tea is thought to contribute to human health, based on early research. Elderberry might help you fortify your immune system and gummies are a tasty, accessible way to top up your antioxidant levels. Effect of oil extracted from some medicinal plants on different mycotoxigenic fungi. View abstract. 2008;99(Pt 2):293-306. , a drug taken by organ transplant patients. 1. Fresh herbs can not only spice up your meals, they may also help you maintain good health all year long. While not a serious health issue it can be unpleasant and while this info hasnt been proven to be set in stone, its worth considering with care first. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Lack of effect of spearmint on lower oesophageal sphincter function and acid reflux in healthy volunteers., ESHA Research, Inc., Salem, Oregon: Tea., Fitoterapia: (-)-Carvone: antispasmodic effect and mode of action., Food and Bioproducts Processing: Comparison of different extraction methods for the extraction of major bioactive flavonoid compounds from spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) leaves., Gastroenterology: The Action of a Carminative on the Lower Esophageal Sphincter., Harvard Health Publishing: By the way, doctor: What can you tell me about peppermint oil?, Harvard T.H. Now is the ideal time to cuddle up by Glow Spritz Holistic Cocktails x Tea Drops KOR Elderberry Defense Ingredients: 4 oz Tea Drops Glow Hibiscus, cooled 1 oz KOR Elderberry Defense 2 oz Watermelon Juice 4 oz Coconut Orange Mule Holistic Cocktails x Tea Drops Ingredients: 4 oz Tea Drops Unsweetened Citrus Ginger, cooled 1/2 oz Lime Juice 2 1/2 oz Orange Juice 3 oz Ginger Beer Orange Ube Martini Holistic Cocktails x Tea Drops Ingredients: 8 oz of Tea Drops Ube Latte, cooled 1/8 oz Vanilla Extract 1 oz Coconut Cream 1 Egg White 4 oz Brown Get 10% off your first order and receive exclusive access to products and offers. If you are looking to avoid sugar crashing or if you are dealing with diabetes, spearmint tea can be an awesome choice in helping you to maintain your health balance. Hum.Exp Toxicol. Which is better for you spearmint or peppermint? Spearmint tea might also fight inflammation, enhance your respiratory system, strengthen your immune system, improve memory, relieve stress, protect the liver, and improve hair problems. But for now, theres no harm in sipping! But this antioxidant-rich, caffeine-free tea also packs some benefits. In fact, its a common herbal remedy for unwanted hair growth in Middle Eastern countries (12). The aroma from peppermint seems to help open nasal passages. Zhejiang.Da.Xue.Xue.Bao.Yi.Xue.Ban. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. Available at: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=182. Studies have also found that spearmint essential oil can be beneficial, . They have been associated with reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. Two tablespoons (11 grams) of spearmint also provides 2% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamin C, another potent antioxidant (6, 7). There is no research that supports claims that peppermint tea can help with sleep, but as it is caffeine-free it is completely fine to drink before bed and may help you relax. (2021). All rights reserved. Its a flowering plant too and the floral blooms are small and pretty with lilac colors. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis. Overall, spearmint makes a great addition to any diet particularly in the form of spearmint tea, which can be enjoyed hot or cold. Farr SA, et al. View abstract. These days we know much more about the health benefits of spearmint and the amazing array of antioxidants it brings. 3. Regular intake of spearmint tea is extremely effective in treating nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal distension, abdominal cramping, and irritable bowel syndrome. Int J Dent.Hyg. Antidiabetic effect of spearmint in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Its native to Europe and Asia. This effect reduces the long-term risk of diabetes complications, suggesting that chamomile could improve diabetes outcomes. Youll find both commonly used in candies, gums, toothpastes, and mouthwashes. This unique blend of green tea and juicy mangoes not only offers a sweet taste but also promotes weight loss and detoxification. Even if youre not interested in giving up caffeine, this refreshing tea makes a great late-afternoon or evening pick-me-up. In a longer, 30-day study in 41 women with PCOS, women who drank two cups a day of spearmint tea reported a reduction in their facial hair (10). May help relieve. Consider green tea extract as part of your acne regimen. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. Spearmint extract improves working memory in men and women with age-associated memory impairment. Studies have also found that spearmint essential oil can be beneficial in fending off foodborne illness and bacteria like E.coli along with boosting your immune system and soothing a sore throat. Physiological role of antioxidants in the immune system. Johnson, A. J. and Miles, C. Evidence against memorial facilitation and context-dependent memory effects through the chewing of gum. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. If youre seeking a natural solution for excessive facial hair growth aka hirsutism it might help to put on the kettle. GABA is a neurotransmitter involved in reducing nerve activity (24). This is also an application of spearmint essential oil. Osteoarthritis basically, the gradual thinning of the cushiony cartilage between bones can be a literal pain. (1993). 2008;37(4):357-363. Drinking spearmint tea may help reduce hirsutism, or growth of dark, coarse hair on the face, chest and abdomen of women. 2. Remove from heat and add a handful of torn spearmint leaves to the water. Because it contains less of that sharp, cooling menthol, spearmint has a . Spearmint might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Made with Pumpkin Spice Tea Drops, this recipe is perfect for sipping while you watch your favorite movie with You heard it right! Spearmint Tea for Nausea 7. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2017;86:167-176. How Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Benefits Your Pregnancy and More, The Best Elderberry Gummies in 2022 to (Possibly) Keep Sniffles at Bay, 13 Potential Perks of Evening Primrose Oil, Goldenseal Benefits: What Science Says About Herbal Medicines Golden Child, Gimme Gimme Spores: 7 Health Benefits of Chaga Mushrooms. Grab a mug, pour some spearmint tea, and lets see what science says about those wellness perks. Research also shows that due to its menthol content, spearmint may encourage relaxation by acting on GABA receptors. In terms of its antioxidant properties, spearmint has a slightly different makeup, containing vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and B vitamins. Peppermint also contains several antioxidants called flavonoids. Unlike other major teas that tend to be caffeinated, there is no oxidation process involved. Its important to remember that many of the health benefits linked to spearmint tea are still in the early stages of testing. This also means it can help with ovulation as it increases the luteinizing, FSH, and estradiol hormones too. Kumar, V., Kural, M. R., Pereira, B. M., and Roy, P. Spearmint induced hypothalamic oxidative stress and testicular anti-androgenicity in male rats - altered levels of gene expression, enzymes and hormones. Some medications, called sedatives, can also cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Another in vitro study in 2014 showed similar anti-cancer properties of spearmint as well as other members of the mint plant family against four cancer cell lines (COLO-205, MCF-7, NCI-H322 and THP-1). This is because spearmint can have a relaxing effect on the esophagus which in turn can cause acid reflux to flow and lead to heartburn. Spearmint tea helps reduce headaches and other pains throughout the body, particularly in the joints. As a result, Spearmint Tea benefits might, according to the aforementioned research . This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Peppermint, on the other hand, is loaded with menthol and menthone, giving it a sharp, spicy flavor. Arumugam, P. Priya N. Subathra M. Ramesh A. Contact Dermatitis 2004;51(5-6):314-315. Tackles Digestive Problems. Research has not found any harmful effects from pregnant women drinking peppermint tea. Therefore, the evidence on the benefits of this type of mint for memory is limited but promising especially for older adults. The tea is made from spearmint leaves and has a green color. Nutr Res. You can find spearmint tea in bag form or you can buy it as a loose herb. View abstract. (FYI: spearmint tea bags are often mixed with green tea leaves, so peep that label if you want the real deal.). While spearmint tea is excellent at helping ease digestive issues, those who suffer from GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease) may want to skip out on spearmint tea. Contact Dermatitis 2001;44(6):344-346. The leaves of this herb can often be found in dried or fresh form as a flavorful addition to beverages, soups, salads, sauces, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and more. Peppermint can help with digestion and stomach pain but can worsen. If you would like a stronger flavor and improved health benefits, you may wish to make your own tea using fresh ingredients. Akdogan M, et al. Continuing Medical Education: Peppermint oil in the acute treatment of tension-type headache., Food Science and Biotechnology: In vitro antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extract of Mentha piperita L., Integrative Medicine: Viral Upper Respiratory Infection., Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology: Peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Journal of International Society of Preventative Community Dentistry: Essential oils, their therapeutic properties, and implication in dentistry: A review., Medeniyet Medical Journal: Frequently Used Herbal Teas During Pregnancy Short Update.. . Spearmint essential oil has also been shown to fight food-borne pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. Nutritional Benefits & How to Grow Them, 18 Keto Snacks: Full of Healthy Fats + Delicious, Top 5 Benefits of Taro Root (Plus How to Add It to Your Diet), The Major Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet (Plus How to Follow It), 456 international units vitamin A (9 percent DV), Peppermint and spearmint are two varieties of mint plants that belong to the same plant family (. Summary. Nabavi, S. M., Suntar, I., Barreca, D., & Khan, H. Phytonutrients in Food: From Traditional to Rational Usage, : Essential plant oils and headache mechanisms., : A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of peppermint tea (Mentha piperita L.)., : Risk factors for gastroesophageal reflux disease: the role of diet., By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats. Spearmint tea is a common way to consume this pleasant-tasting herb, and its a great, easy way to reap its potential benefits. It is believed to have many health properties including freshening the breath, helping digestion, and reducing inflammation. Both its smell and taste are pleasantly uplifting. Unlike peppermint, spearmint has less essential oil, giving it a softer, sweeter taste. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Earl Grey tea is known for its unique citrusy flavor. Spearmint also appears to have anti-cancer properties based on research to date. View abstract. All rights reserved. While peppermint has been the herb of choice-making it's way into tea, perhaps its time for spearmint to shine. Peppermint oil is a natural insecticide. Therefore, while studies on the effects of this type on mint on digestion are limited, some evidence suggests that it may be helpful. Caffeine: cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug? Spearmint is more often used in savory dishes. Yu, T. W., Xu, M., and Dashwood, R. H. Antimutagenic activity of spearmint. Peppermint may help to promote good kidney function, but its not recommended for people who have kidney stones. As we know that spearmint tea can be helpful in helping women with PCOS and hormonal imbalance, this can also work in the opposite way for those who need to be delicate when it comes to keeping their hormones in check. 2. Toxicol.Ind.Health 2006;22(8):343-348. Microbios 2001;106 Suppl 1:31-39. In South-East Asia, spearmint is commonly used to help people reduce their stress levels and get a decent nights sleep. Are you impressed by that zesty mint freshness or do you prefer other tea types instead? Therefore, it is recommended to avoid large amounts of this herb during pregnancy. Taking spearmint along with a medication that can harm the liver might increase the risk of liver damage. Steeping dried spearmint leaves (aka Mentha spicata) makes a refreshing cup of tea that may come with some impressive benefits. Antioxidants are natural chemical compounds found in plants that help protect against and repair damage caused by free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can lead to oxidative stress. One study found that spearmint does not affect the lower esophageal sphincter function. In one study, extract from this herb prevented fat oxidation in meat and was as effective as the synthetic antioxidant BHT (8). In terms of culinary use, peppermint is typically used more in deserts while spearmint is added to savory dishes most often. Toothpaste, chewing gum, mints, and breath fresheners, theres a reason why we associate spearmint with keeping our mouths bright and clean. The spearmint in the Matcha Fasting Green Tea takes it a step even further by increasing satiety.
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