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You can also book the Galleria Borghese in Rome via e-mail. Your tour guide will lead you to great viewpoints where you can enjoy breathtaking vistas of the Eternal City. See our Borghese Gallery guide for more planning resources, ourtop-rated private Borghese Gallery tourfor a memorable trip, andthe best things to do in Rome. It is located in an old palace of the XVII century and is the ideal setting for the exhibition of famous masterpieces in the world. 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Rolling around the park on a Segway makes this one of the most memorable Borghese gallery tours in Rome. In 1606, Cardinal Scipione Borghese ordered a palazzo built. It's impossible not to be mesmerized by this extraordinary statue of Apollo and Daphne by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. If you are traveling to Rome around the time of religious holidays, these attractions may be closed to the public as well as to guided tours. per adult. Apart from theVatican Museums, these are the top museums in the city: Pope Sixtus IV bequeathed some bronze statues to the citizens of Rome and from this collection was born the Capitoline Museums in 1471. THE NEW VIDEO FAIRY . Want toshare this page on Pinterest? Find out you all you need to know about how to grab your spot on this exclusive tour. Get the inside scoop about how you can see these special hidden places inside the Vatican Museums! Book your tickets today! The Galleria Borghese was once the summer residence of the prominent Borghese Family. Browse to find available dates and then, once you select the date you want, you can choose from available time slots. From here, the Borghese Gallery is at a 20-minute walking distance. DO YOU NEED TO BOOK galleria borghese TICKETS IN ADVANCE? La Vineria di Mastroccia: | Wine SelectionPretty much amazing everything. Dates, opening hours, admissions. Creating a David scene after Michelangelo creates the David is very difficult. The most enjoyable way to discover the museum is to book a guided tour of the Borghese Gallery, in this way, thanks to the guide, you won't miss out on the most important works and you'll avoid the queues to buy tickets. Entry is free for people who are physically challenged as well as their accompanying guardian (carry a valid photo ID). In fact, the Papal Audience and Vatican Museums tour we reviewed above guarantees you will see the Pope as part of the papal audience as long as he delivers his message on schedule. $30.52. Our Lady of the Conception (1 km) Buy tours only from our reliable partners. There is no better time to follow this rule then when it comes to dining. From theFLAMINIO metro station (A line)by bus to the S.Paolo del Brasile stop: From the BARBERINI METRO station (A line)by bus: From the TIBURTINA METRO station ( B LINE)by bus to the S.Paolo del Brasile stop: Piazzale Scipione Borghese 5, Your shoulders, knees, and abdomen should be completely covered. What is the best way to get to the Borghese Gallery? 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Its a complex story and warrants the explanation of a local guide! The museum is closed Mondays and December 25 and January 1, but otherwise open during every other holiday including May 1 and Easter Sunday. 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Visiting the Galleria Borghese is only possible every 2 hours 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. / 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. / 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. / 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. / 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. / 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. / 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. This is true even if you are on a private tour. The villa was completed in 1633. Close. Piazza Barberini (1.2 km). Whether you're an art history buff or you want to spend time with your family, this value-for-money combo ticket offers it all. The Borghese Gallery is located at Piazzale Scipione Borghese, 5, 00197 Roma RM, Italy.Google Map Directions. . How to Get to the Borghese Gallery. var userId = 0; Our Lady of the Conception of the Capuchins. After a fire in 1919, the building was abandoned. Influenced by classic Baroque style, Berninis sculpture depicts life-like motion of flesh. There is no shortage of luxury hotels in Rome, however. The story is filled with remorse. Please come over to the private Romewise Facebook group and join in the conversation. Be ready to book with credit card, and have something to write with. Find out if a Vatican tour is worth it. See stunning art collections curated by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Scipione Cardinal Borghese. For more specific details about who is eligible for free entry, and more info, visit theofficial website of the Galleria Borghese. Admire Caravaggio's iconic masterpieces like David with the Head of Goliath and Boy with a Basket of Fruit. While staying at a luxury resort is ideal, it may not always be feasible. Getting a ticket can be easy if there is availability on the Borghese Gallery website and the website works. Your support is precious, donate now! There are several options for guided tours, including a having an art historian, a family-friendly tour, and a tour that also covers more of the Villa Borghese park and the top of the Spanish Steps. mail. }); ",t);return false}if(t.getAttribute("href").charAt(0)=="#"||t.hash&&t.pathname+t.search==location.pathname+location.search){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: URL is the current location but with a hash. It is one of the most renowned art museums in the world. You can book your Borghese Gallery tickets online now. If you are using a regular telephone and dialing from the US or Canada, you dial 011 39 06 32810. Scipione Borghese amassed a great art collection, and later members of his family added other great works of art. However, youll still want to be aware of accommodations, the expected weather, and even other attractions you may want to visit while visiting Rome. Cardinal Scipione Borghese was a real art buff and at a very young age became one of Gian LorenzoBernini's biggest fans and patrons. The museum is closedMondays andDecember 25andJanuary 1, but otherwise open during every other holiday includingMay 1andEaster Sunday. Did you know? Bypass ticketing queues and get more time to explore one of Rome's most prestigious art galleries, Borghese Gallery, on a guided tour. Do you just want to book your tickets via an English-language website and be done with it? Borghese Gallery (Galleria Borghese) Tours 120 Tours & Activities Cultural Tours 3,028 Tours & Activities Tours, Sightseeing & Cruises 5,503 Tours & Activities Why you are seeing these recommendations Reserve Now & Pay Later Villa Borghese Gallery & Gardens Small-Group Tour with Skip-the-Line 1,619 Reviews Badge of Excellence Roma, Italy Share With these tickets, youll be accompanied by a professional English-speaking guide through your tour. Address: Piazzale Scipione Borghese, 5, 00197 Roma RM, Italy How long does it take to visit Borghese Gallery? Bring your walking shoes and water bottle! Within the formal gardens, youll find neo-Classical temples that occasionally use statues recovered from archaeological sites, such as the statue of Aesculapius in the Temple of Aesculapius. With just 19 rooms, guests can enjoy modern design, great food, as well as a great location. Nestled amidst the beautiful Villa Borghese Gardens is a museum home to centuries worth of treasured art -- the Borghese Gallery. Our most recommended Borghese Gardens Spring activities 1. But if I had limited time, and I had to pick one museum, theBorghese Gallery would win hands down. Read more on this page, 89 (direction Bressanone/ S.Agnese Annibaliano), 63 (direction Rossellini) fermata Pinciana/Museo Borghese, 83 (direction Largo Valsabbia) fermata Pinciana/Museo Borghese, 61 (direction Villa Borghese/ Washington) stop S.Paolo del Brasile, 160 (direction Villa Borghese/ Washington) stop S.Paolo del Brasile, 52 direction and stop Pinciana/ Museo Borghese, 53 direction and stop Pinciana/ Museo Borghese, Stand on Via Vittorio Veneto (altezza Villa Borghese). Luggage storage is mandatory for items such as bags, backpacks, strollers or trolleys, umbrellas, selfie sticks, or other items whose danger or size is assessed by the security staff. This is more of an itinerary list of things you should see. Artworks include Berninis Apollo and Daphne, Canovas Pauline Bonaparte, Raphaels Entombment of Christ, Titians Sacred and Profane Love, and Caravaggios Saint Jerome Writing. Next, on to the Roman Forum. Consider that they only allow 360 people at once in the Borghese Gallery, with entry for up to 180 people every hour, on the hour, for a maximum 2-hour visit. How To Visit the Borghese Gallery in 2023: Tickets, Hours, Tours, and More, How To Visit the Sistine Chapel: Tickets, Hours, Tours, and, How To Visit St Peters Basilica: Tickets, Hours, Tours, and, How To Visit the Colosseum in 2023: Tickets, Hours, and, Top 15 Things To See at the Borghese Gallery with Full. The Galleria Borghese is launching a new fundraising campaign to restore the Roman mosaics. The Borghese Gallery is housed in the Villa Borghese Pinciana, at Piazzale Scipione Borghese, 5, 00197 Roma RM, Italy. If you are using a cell phone, the "+" indicates an international call. This can be clearly seen in the delicate details; whether its Plutos hands sinking into Proserpinas soft flesh, the anguish on her face, or his tense muscles as he attempts to overpower her. You can store them in the cloakroom provided for free, but you may end up having to leave your tour early to retrieve them before closing time. If youre looking forward to seeing the Pope and to the papal audience, youll want to plan your visit for a Wednesday. Some visitors to Rome plan their visit specifically around the Vatican and related locations, such as the Sistine Chapel. Theyll add tons of insights and make the entire experience so much more memorable. This website is about the Borghese Gallery, created with passion and . Minors not accompanied by an adult will not be permitted to enter the Museum. Its a beautiful portrayal of Aeneas flight from Rome, as described in the Aeneid after Troy was sacked by the Greeks. You may pick up your ticket only on the day of the event at the opening of the checkout counter an hour before the show (until the beginning of the same). Is the Borghese Gallery wheelchair-accessible? Discover. For security reasons, medium and large bags, shoppers,backpacks and baggagescannot be brought into the museum. You will often find me there, happy to answer your questions / comments! Facilities: Wheelchair Accessibility, Cloakroom. But there are many Borghese tours to choose from. Get Beautyrest Sleep Gallery can be contacted at (417) 890-5788. All admissions are included. The Borghese Gallery's opening hours are from 9 AM to 7 PM from Tuesday to Sunday. Right next to Boy with a Basket of Fruit is Caravaggios John in the Wilderness. Back during the 1600s, the Cardinal thought to convert his vineyards into sprawling gardens. This tour is not accessible for strollers or baby carriages. Many of these are on the top floor so don't skip that part! Via Sardegna, 38/g. Reservations are required and permitted subject to availability. It depends on the ticket you book; you would have to specifically book Borghese Gallery tickets that include guided tours. The session duration at the Borghese Gallery is 2 hours - this is enough to see all the collection's masterpieces. Guided Tour More details + 44 HEADOUT5 APPLY CODE Get 5% off Check availability Skip-the-Line Tickets to Borghese Gallery with Golf Cart Ride Free Cancellation If cocktails arent your thing and youd rather sit down with a craft beer, stop by Brasserie 4:20. There are now 3 ways to book Borghese Gallery tickets:phone, online, or by e-mail.